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  He traced the side of her face with his hand. "My past means nothing if you are my future. My heart, my body, and my soul are yours. Now and forever."

  Was it possible for a heart to sing with joy? If so, hers was singing an aria. "Lucas, I love you more than I could ever find words to say." She pulled him over to kiss her, and he happily obliged. He tasted like home—he tasted like family.

  He tasted like forever.

  They held each other and kissed until they couldn't catch their breath, and then he raised his head and grinned. "You know what would make this moment even better?"

  She blinked. "Um, no."


  They were laughing like fools when they heard a rapid clicking sound, and suddenly Lucas's grin changed to a grimace.



  Two golden eyes, surrounded by a furry red-brown face with a long nose, stared down at her from Lucas's shoulder. The tiny wolf cub opened her mouth and, with her tongue hanging out, it looked exactly like she was laughing at her shocked mother.

  "I guess we can conclude that Stevie is a shifter after all," Lucas said dryly, reaching back to dislodge the cub from his back and rolling over with her.

  Stevie yipped and bounced on the pillows before launching herself off the bed and racing down the stairs.

  Rhi's mouth fell open. "I…what…I don't know how to deal with this."

  "We have friends who are mated to shifters, so we can find out everything we need to know," Lucas said, laughing. He kissed her again and then rolled out of bed. "Let's go eat some breakfast and then take her to the palace gardens, so she can run around."

  Rhi sat up abruptly. "What do I even feed a wolf cub?"

  Lucas, heading out of the room, looked back at her and grinned. "Bacon!"


  The palace garden, later that afternoon…

  Conlan, king of Atlantis, stood with his queen on their balcony, watching Lucas and Rhiannon chase a wolf cub around the fountain.

  "I like her very much, and she's so good for Lucas," Riley said, smiling. "She's going to have her hands full. Toddlers are enough work. If Aidan turned into a wolf cub, I think I'd need a vacation. Or maybe a lot of vacations."

  Conlan nodded. "Lucas is very like his father in some ways, and very different in others. I need to rethink my relationship with him. Asking him to be one of my counselors would go a long way to healing the rift between us."

  Riley put her hand on his arm. "He was only doing what he thought was right. And, if you look at it in a certain light, he brought us together when you came after him."

  He pulled her closer and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. "In a very fortuitous light, perhaps."

  She laughed but then pointed. "Oh! Look! That's the first time I've seen Savannah in falcon shape. She's beautiful."

  The raptor soared past them and then plunged down toward the ground, pulling herself up at the last possible moment to land on Jake's arm. Then she hopped into the air and shifted shape, and Conlan whirled around and looked away from the suddenly naked human in his garden.

  "Good call," Riley said, poking him in the arm. "It's okay, you can turn around now. She's dressed."

  He grinned at her. "The only human I want to see naked is you."

  "Good answer." She kissed him, and then leaned back in the circle of his arms to look up at him, her eyes shining. "That's two more. Who can say what April will bring?"

  Conlan, deliberately misunderstanding her, shrugged. "April is going to Europe, Denal tells me. She's furious, but he assigned her to work with Pine—at Pine's request--as a liaison between the European shifters and Atlantis."

  "She's a warrior, not an ambassador. Don't let him put her on the sidelines because she's a woman. I have enough problems getting you out of the Dark Ages," Riley said, leaning forward to rest her arms on the railing and look down at the wolf cub, who was now splashing in the fountain.

  "Any ambassador to the wolves would have to be a warrior. They don't suffer weakness gladly."

  "And you're okay with this?"

  Conlan nodded. "I have to give Denal free rein to lead his team. We'll see how it goes. April might surprise herself."

  "Or she might cause an international incident."

  "There is that."

  A smug, delighted smile crossed Riley's face. "Pine requested her specifically? Interesting. Is he single?"

  "Riley. You have to stop playing matchmaker."

  "Do I?" She gave him her most innocent face, which always meant trouble. "Also, have you met Sunny yet?"

  Conlan raised a brow. "The hippie? She made Ven start giggling. It was weird."

  "It's apparently her gift. She makes everybody her happy, just by being around them."

  "That sounds dangerous."

  "You know what else is interesting? Denal isn't affected by her at all."

  Conlan stared at her. "Riley! Denal has been through enough."

  "Exactly. He needs to find someone."

  "You are far scarier than any demons, my love."

  Riley pulled his head down to him. "Don't you forget it."

  And right there and then, the king of Atlantis kissed his queen, in an incredibly romantic moment, right up until his son barreled out onto the balcony and stabbed his daddy with a tiny plastic sword.

  "En garde," Aidan shouted, and Riley sighed.

  "A lot of vacations.


  I love writing these books! And whew! So glad to get everyone out of danger…for now!

  I'm thrilled to announce that Poseidon's Warriors will continue A Year of Atlantis in all of 2018—a book per month—and you'll find out how Atlantis's independent, brave, strong warriors will cope with their matchmaking queen, who is determined to find them all true love. The next book is April in Atlantis and it's a doozy!! April is NOT happy when Denal orders her to report to Europe, and she finds herself right in the middle of the worst kind of family drama—there's even an evil twin!

  If you want the scoop on all new releases, behind-the-scenes details, and the chance to win prizes, Text ALYSSADAY to 66866 (or check my website) to sign up for my newsletter. I promise never to sell, fold, spindle, or mutilate your information so you will get no spam—ever—from me.

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  Thanks again for reading—you rock! Keep going to find out how it all started with an excerpt from January in Atlantis.



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  Thanks so much for reading March in Atlantis. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

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  Excerpt: January in Atlantis

  Excerpt: January in Atlantis by Alyssa Day

  Buy January in Atlantis

  Bruce's Cave, Ireland

  Flynn twirled the swo
rd in his right hand and the dagger in his left and sauntered toward the three dragons blocking the entrance to the cave. Just outside the entrance, the waves crashed and thundered into the rocks, but at the moment, water was not really concerning Flynn.

  Then again, water never did.

  "Boys, boys, boys. I'm not planning to tell anyone about your lair, or your treasure, or even that unfortunate tendency you have to dress up in pink skirts and dance in the moonlight.”

  The largest of the three, a good twenty feet tall from toes to the top of his crested skull, reared back and roared, and the cave itself seemed to shake. Anyone who has ever heard a dragon roar would be amazed that Flynn wasn't flat on the ground, trembling in his boots.

  Flynn was from Atlantis though. He wasn't the trembling kind.

  Still, maybe not the best idea to taunt three of Clan Fury's most powerful warriors. They were lethal in human form, and like this—in their natural shape—they were Death itself.

  Nobody had ever accused Flynn of having a lot of best ideas though.

  "How about you come on down from your flying-lizard forms so we can have this out like men? Or just move aside and let me go, and we'll call it quits. I don't even want a share of your treasure, even though I helped you… let's just say collect, shall we?… some of it.”

  The largest and fiercest of the bunch, the one who once had been Flynn's best friend in the world, shot a bolt of searing dragon fire straight down the cave at him. It should have incinerated him.

  Would have incinerated him if he'd still been standing there.

  Flynn, though, had been goading the dragons into precisely this response. By the time the smoke in the cave cleared, he was traveling in mist form down the coast of Ireland.

  He'd had his fun. It was time to go home.

  January was as good a month as any to return to Atlantis.

  Books by Alyssa


  Dead Eye

  Private Eye

  Travelling Eye (a short story)

  Evil Eye (coming soon)

  * * *


  Halloween in Atlantis

  Christmas in Atlantis

  January in Atlantis

  February in Atlantis

  March in Atlantis

  April in Atlantis

  May in Atlantis

  June in Atlantis

  July in Atlantis

  August in Atlantis

  September in Atlantis

  October in Atlantis

  November in Atlantis

  December in Atlantis

  * * *


  Alejandro's Sorceress (a novella)

  William's Witch (a short story)

  Damon's Enchantress (a novella)

  Jake's Djinn (a short story in the Second Chances anthology, to be available soon as a standalone)

  * * *


  Atlantis Rising

  Wild Hearts in Atlantis (a novella; originally in the WILD THING anthology)

  Atlantis Awakening

  Shifter's Lady (a novella; originally in the SHIFTER anthology)

  Atlantis Unleashed

  Atlantis Unmasked

  Atlantis Redeemed

  Atlantis Betrayed

  Vampire in Atlantis

  Heart of Atlantis

  Alejandro's Sorceress (a related novella; begins the Cardinal Witches spinoff series)



  Second Chances

  * * *


  Email to the Front

  About the Author

  Text ALYSSADAY to 66866 (or sign up at my website, to sign up for my newsletter and get release day news, behind-the-scenes scoop, win prizes, find out where Alyssa will be making personal appearances, and more!

  Q: "What is the reading order of your books?”


  Alyssa Day is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than forty novels filled with kissing, laughter, mystery and magic. Alyssa's paranormal series include the Poseidon's Warriors and Cardinal Witches paranormal romances and the Tiger's Eye Mysteries paranormal mysteries. In November of 2019, Alyssa will launch an exciting new book for young adults: Whisper of Rebellion.

  In an Alyssa Day book, the good guys (and gals!) always win, and happily-ever-after always prevails!

  Alyssa's many awards include Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA award for outstanding romance fiction, and the RT Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Paranormal Romance novel of 2012. She's a recovering trial lawyer who loves life outside of a courtroom. Her books have been translated into a zillion languages but she's still holding out for Klingon.

  You can hang out with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@alyssa_day), where she talks about her rescue dogs and her future pug ranch, and her blog, where she talks openly about her struggles with depression and hosts Mental Health Check In Fridays ( Love talking about books? Come on over and join the DayDreamers, Alyssa's VERY SPECIAL group for super fans for fun chatting, sneak peeks, prizes, and more.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental

  March in Atlantis Copyright © 2018 by Alesia Holliday

  January in Atlantis Copyright © 2018 by Alesia Holliday

  Cover design by Authors on a Dime –

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text, or for foreign rights inquiries, please contact the author.

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